Social: 4 Simple Tips for Facebook Brand Page Success
[Posted originally on the Down Under Blog]
It doesn't cost anything to set up a Facebook page for your business, but what then? Quite often the task of running a brand page on Facebook is a trial and error process - trying out different types of content to see what works. Often it can be a little frustrating - stumbling about in the dark trying to derive value and grow community.
If this is you, you'll find this report from the Marketing Cloud team very useful. It analyses 1800 big brand Facebook pages and measures their content posts against four criterea: Likes, Comments, Shares and Interaction - a combination of the first three. Of all the insight it provides, you can take four learnings in particular to the bank.
But why not get the wisdom at source - Australian Tami Dalley - @datadivadalley on Twitter - is the VP of analysis and insights with the Marketing Cloud team, formerly of Buddy Media. Tami compiled the report and talks in this podcast about the key learnings she derived.
1. Be Visual. Ever since the introduction of Timeline to Facebook, the impact of visual content on your brand page has soared. Photo posts score a 40 per cent higher than average interaction result over non-visual content. Video is very effective but often very time consuming to produce. Photography content is very powerful and should be the focus of your content strategy.
2. Be Human. While organisations often shy away from emoticons, and received wisdom has often been that emoticons are not appropriate for companies, the report found that posts using emoticons achieved an amazing 57 per cent more Likes. The lesson here is that people want brands to show their human face, and an emoticon is a very effective way to do this...:-)
3. Be Brief. Brevity is holy on Facebook. Keep your Facebook posts short and to the point - the report found that 80 characters was the cut-off. Posts shorter than that achieved a far higher rate of interaction and engagement than those of 80 characters or more.
4. Be Measured. Introducing a good discipline of measurement is important to learning more about what your fan-base is looking for from you. Tami tells us to decide what type of engagement we are after - Likes, Comments or Shares - and set KPIs against that objective. Different engagement objectives require different types of content.
For more advice, this infographic is very helpful in understanding how to better structure your Facebook posts. For more on running your Facebook page, download the free eBook:
"Strategies for effective Facebook Posting - A Timeline Analysis"