Artechulate's Out For Summer
Artechulate is taking some leave during the summer break. Taking advantage of the slow time in Australia through December and January, we've packed our bags and headed off to India for some much needed R&R, sub-continental cultural stimulation and horizon broadening. While there will be access to the internet, it will be intermittent and therefore please do be patient for any repsonses.
While the company email [gareth at artechulate dot com dot au] is being monitored, you may find a faster response to urgent matters via this address: [mrgareth2003 at yahoo dot com dot au]. Also, Tweet @mrgareth if a short response will suffice.
It is possible with a reasonable lead time to prepare responses to briefs or tenders for proposals while on the road, and so please do feel free to fire them across for consideration. At the very least, it is possible we can make an introduction to someone who can help out instead.
In the meantime we are keeping everyone up to date on our travels over on this blog if you are curious. We are also using the hashtag #GandTdoIndia on Twitter.
We plan to return to work at the beginning of February. Until then can we wish everyone a very happy holiday season!